Monday, 31 October 2011

Where's the love?

Assalamualaikum and wazzap wazzap.

I'm really not satisfied with the media nowadays. I'm not satisfied as a Muslim.

So, I was watching the Crime & Investigation channel and 'First 48' was on. It was about a Muslim guy who harassed young boys and killed them then rendam them in acid, so that traces wouldn't be found, tuang kat river. Eventually, he gave himself up to the cops. So yah, I'm not going to talk about this psycho.

The thing that is 'what the hell bro' in mind my is like, during the ENTIRE show, they were stressing on him being a Muslim and how cruel a man could be. They showed mosques, the 'azan' being called and other Islam related stuff. My question is why? Do those stuff have anything to do with that lunatic? I seriously do not think so.

I mean like WHAT IS UR FREAKING MOTIVE? He may be just a guy who doesn't believe in Allah but terpaksa ada agama. He may be a mentally ill person (obviously). They are giving the viewers an image that Islam teaches the umat to do cruel stuff. That Islam soaks kids in acid. That Islam is a really bad religion. I'm just so unsatisfied. It may be a vague image but still. Did the media expose to the whole world about this dude's religion who trapped his daughter in a dungeon  for more than a decade and had babies with her? DID THEY? He was cruel too. He was doing sinful stuff too. But I never came across anything about this dude's religion.

It is just so unfair to Islam. The 9/11 may have been the prime reason why all of these discrimination are happening, but let me tell you guys something, to me, Muslims aren't perfect, but Islam is. Islam never taught umat dia untuk do those keji stuff. And obviously other religions pun tak ajar buat benda-benda mengarut, but
kenapa Islam yang selalu di pandang rendah? I just can't get it. Fyi, it's not my first time seeing stuff like these on tv & others.

I'm not trying to be like OH AKU CINTA ISLAM YANG LAIN PERGI BELAH. No. I'm not a sick Islam activist. This is a sensitive issue, but I'm not trying to create a kontroversi or whatnot. Islam has taught me well about respecting others' culture and religion. But from what Islam has taught me about keadilan, I don't really see it nowadays towards the Muslims. Just because a group of Muslims have done something REALLY WRONG, it obviously doesn't mean the entire umat Islam is like that.

And yah, Islam has never taught their followers to kill people.

It certainly sounds stupid hearing this kind of stuff being told by a teenager, probably still a kid. But I just want to make a little difference among the people my age. I mean like seriously lah, if orang condemn ur agama, how would u feel? Seriously doh.

I'm just expressing my feelings lah. Cause I bet those who believe in the higher power would definitely do the same thing if something like this happens to u guys. I hope this entry doesn't hurt anyone. It's not my intention to attack or to like 'WOI APA KAU'. I'm just stating my unsatisfaction and a little attempt to enlighten u alls.

Heh. Lega.

Semoga hari anda dicucuri rahmat. Amin.

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