Friday, 28 October 2011

Penilaian Menengah Rendah Frenzy

As peace be upon you to my dear friends.

I haven't really shared my PMR experience with you. All of you should already know that I'm 100% honest on my blog. No filtered feelings. I just let it out? Same goes to my PMR experience. I don't think I told my parents how I feel about it honestly.

Okay. Eight subjects. 4 days of exam. Lol, wait was it 5, 6? I forgot.

If you asked me, "Hey Fir, do you think you can get straight As?"
My honest answer would be yes, I think I can. With God's will.

If you asked me, "Are you 100% confident?"
My honest answer would no, I'm not confident that I'll get those freaking 8As because of these 3 subjects.
BM, KH and Agama.
And now you see, there are only 5 subjects that I am at least 90% confident that I can get an A.
BI, MT, SC, Geografi & Sejarah

Why I say I'm 100% honest here because if my family would ask me, I'd say I'm only worried for 2 subjects. It's either BM & KH, BM & Agama or Agama & KH. And it's because I malu. Entah dengan korang I chill. Kiter lepaks. K.

If you asked me, "What's your target?"
*SLAM THIS PANTAI* Of course 8As.

If you asked me, "Paling kurang?"
I'd say 6As. If I get less than that, I consider my 3 years studying in St Marys a waste. xD

I am relieved that I could answer all 8 subjects alright. But biasalah ada susah ada senang. Y'know?
I'm actually disappointed at myself because I know I could've done way way better. I didn't really set my priorities right and yah, this happened. But it's no use crying over spilled milk.

I pray for three things right now. I hope that the examiners will be extra generous in giving the marks. I pray that the graph will go down for those 3 friggin' subjects xD And I hope and pray that I can get 8As.
InsyaAllah lah en korangz? Fikir-fikir memang watlek je dulu tak belajar. Haih.

I hope that all of my Form Three friends will cry out tears of joy in December soon.

Till next time,
Fir <3

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